Check out what Prairie Land Teachers are doing to hone and grow their students' literacy skills!

Categorical Sound Wall

This Grade 2 teacher has created a strategically organized sound wall. This bulletin board changes as the students' understanding of these phonemes grows, and is a common reference point in the classroom.

Visual Sound Wall

In this Grade 1 classroom, the teacher has designed a visually interesting soundwall based on a farm. Students call this the Sound Farm, and are able to identify the sound of phonemes based on their memory of the story of this wall.

Orthographic Mapping and Sight Words

In this classroom, the students learn about "heart parts", those parts of commonly occurring words that are not decodable. By noticing that only one part of the word has to be memorized (the heart part), students can still use their phonemic skills to work to decode these words, rather than relying solely on memory.

Book Reports on a Cereal Box

This class created cereal boxes for their independent novel studies, complete with themed games on the back of the box!

Highlighting Community passions

In this library, local Hockey stars are highlighted alongside popular and interesting reads about hockey. An awesome way to showcase topics the students will o

Check-in for the day and Practice word awareness

This Teacher infused a small bit of word-work into the students check-in routine for the day. What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Tracking student growth to inform next steps

In this classroom, the Teacher and Educational Assistant work closely together to gather and use data in their planning for students. Here you see a simple sheet they use to track students' work during their time at the teacher table. What do you notice? What do you wonder?